The Dancing Sky is 1 of 7 Minnesota Area Agencies on Aging.
Our goal for the people of Minnesota is simple: To work with rural communities to help older
adults stay in control of their choices.
We envision vibrant communities invested in their elders and older adults and caregivers
planning for the future.
Together, older adults and communities thrive.
Funding Partners
Minnesota Board on Aging
Department of Human Services
Partnering Counties
Innovations for Aging, LLC
Service Area
Proudly serving the counties of Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse and Wilkin.
Funded Services
• Senior Nutrition
• Senior Housing & Home Modification
• Assisted Transportation
• Legal Services
• Housekeeping & Chore Services
• Dementia Capability
• Medication Management
• Caregiver Support
• Grant Funding
Community Classes
• A Matter of Balance
• Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
• Powerful Tools for Caregivers
• Living Well with Chronic Conditions
• Living Well with Diabetes
• Living Well with Chronic Pain
Education & Presentations
• Senior LinkAge Line: Who We Are & What We Do
• New to Medicare
• Senior Medicare Patrol: Prevent Healthcare Fraud & Abuse
• The File: The "One Place to Look"
Contact the SLL for more topics.
All services are provided in accordance with the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965.
The OAA supports a range of home- and community-based services.
In 1973 Amendments to the Older Americans Act created Area Agencies on Aging to allow local senior citizen participation in the administration of OAA funds.
The Dancing Sky Board of Directors meets quarterly to discuss and approve major items while an Advisory Committee for each region meet on a monthly basis to make decisions which affect their specific counties.
Planning & Grant Funding
Identification of needs, setting priorities, developing a plan and providing grant funds to agencies for the provision of services to meet priority needs. Administration of grants involves quarterly and annual monitoring, technical assistance and coordination.
The DSAAA provides funding to providers for services that enrich the lives of older adults and their family caregivers. Such as State Congregate Nutrition and Home Delivered Meals. ​
To help accomplish this goal, the DSAAA awards Older American Act funding (authorized under Title III of the Act) to agencies and organizations that provide direct services for people age 60+ and their caregivers.​
We also receive local support through the Northwest Regional Development Commission tax levy and other means of county financial support.
Program Development
The Dancing Sky AAA provides technical support including information, training to service providing, community groups and municipalities interested in providing services to older adults.
This includes:
Developing Service Programs
Developing organization plans for sustainability
Providing information on aging demographic
Conducting Community needs assessments, asset mapping and opportunities
Provide educational opportunities for Older adults
Fall Prevention
Matter of Balance
Stay Active Independent for Life (SAIL)
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
Chronic Disease Prevention
Living Well with Chronic Conditions
Living Well with Diabetes
Living Well with Chronic Pain
Caregiver Support
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Senior LinkAge Line (SLL)
The SLL strives to develop community partnerships and serve older adults.
Four Service Areas of the SLL
Phone Specialists
Pre-Admission Screening Specialists
Community Living Specialists
Senior Outreach Specialists
The SLL helps simplify the complex issues and decisions you face every day as a senior,
Baby Boomers, Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers or someone trying to reduce prescription drug costs.​
The SLL not only helps connect you to services in your community, but also provides the actual assistance to help you get the information and personalized help you need to make good decisions. This includes providing face-to-face help to you in your home and community.​
The SLL is a free information and assistance service — offered by the State of Minnesota — which makes it easy for older adults and their families to find community services or plan for their future.
Just one phone call away (800) 333-2433!
Discussion on policies and issues that affect older adults, information, referral, assistance and action to protect the rights of individuals. As well as, outreach services, including; one-to-one assistance and educational presentation.

A message from our
Aging Director
In 2021, the Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging (DSAAA) served 16,519 older adults through the Senior LinkAge Line® and 26,687 older adults wanting to continue to live at home in their communities and the caregivers that support them.
The Community that we serve is made up of unique and resilient group of older adults, caregivers, persons with disabilities and home and community-based providers in 21 counties throughout Northwest and West Central Minnesota.
We believe that all older adults and caregivers are vital to the quality of place in each of our rural communities. While vital, our aging population must adapt to an ever-changing world while facing economic barriers. Because of this, we recognize how important it is for older adults to have access to services regardless of where they live and for each of us to be empowered to live and age healthier, no matter our age.
Delivering services in our region, which makes up 28% of Minnesota’s land mass and has a low population density, can be challenging. Innovation in our communities and collaboration with key partners is essential to the future of our aging community.
The Dancing Sky AAAA is excited to be a part of Minnesota becoming an Age Friendly state which was declared by Governor Walz by signing a commitment on December 11, 2019. Aging Staff will assist with the development of a comprehensive assessment and action plan working more closely with cities, townships and local governments in support of aging adults in Minnesota
We look forward to the future of aging services as we address the barriers between where we are and where we want to be. In the next three years we will work towards increasing our capacity and achieving a broader awareness of our services. We resolve to strengthen and develop creative partnerships providing comprehensive services to older adults. We are committed to diligently working to instill the values of dignity, service and collaboration while partnering with our communities and our older adults and caregivers.
In our region, we envision vibrant communities invested in their elders. We envision older adults and caregivers planning. We envision, that together our communities and older adults can thrive.