The Transportation Planning program plans and coordinates the construction and maintenance of viable roads, rails, air and trail systems to support business, personal and recreational transportation.
The program goal is to coordinate planning methods with the Minnesota Department of
Transportation (MnDOT), regional and local units of government. The program also looks
to identify short- and long-term transportation problems in Northwest Minnesota.
Funding Partners
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
NWRDC Tax Levy
Service Programs
• Recreational Trail, Rail, Scenic Byway, Red River Bridge,
Safe Routes to School & Aeronautics Planning
• Road, Trail Network, GIS & GPS Mapping
• Assist with Road, Enhancement & Trails Grant Applications
• Gather Data or Statistical Information
• Provide Transportation Information Technology
• Provide Public Input for MnDOT Fund Allocations
• Functional Road Classification
• Tech Support for County & State Planning Professionals
• Manage a Bike Fleet for School Education
• Highway Corridor Studies
• Port of Entry Issues
The NWRDC addresses the need for region-wide transportation planning through the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC provides a channel of communication between the general public, local officials and MnDOT.
The TAC meets quarterly to review issues concerning transportation and makes recommendations to the NWRDC Board, NWRDC Commission and MnDOT.
Program Description
The TAC monitors current developments in the road, transit, air, and rail systems of the region to efficiently assess the transportation needs of the region. The committee is a fact finding group to the NWRDC Board of Directors and Commission on matters of transportation. Included in their activities are: examining the existing transportation system, evaluation of federal, state and local transportation plans, identifying the transportation needs and requirements of the region, providing an arena for local input on transportation matters, developing public awareness of transportation planning, and working closely with MnDOT District 2 engineers and planning staff, as well as County Engineers and other transportation officials.
Areawide Transportation Partnerships (ATPs)
The 2018-2021 STIP was developed using programs specified under MAP-21 and the current transportation bill FAST Act, which was signed into law December 5, 2015. The ATP updates the STIP annually and once approved by the US DOT/FTA, the State Transportation Improvement Program for Minnesota is available on the Internet at the following address:
The Northwest District ATP has been organized according to MnDOT District 2 State Aid Boundaries to include the counties of Kittson, Marshall, Roseau, Pennington, Red Lake, Polk, Norman, Hubbard, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods and Clearwater. Representatives from a variety of entities including cities, counties, MnDOT district 2, transit, industry, tribal, and RDC and MPO are included in the ATP.
The District 2 ATP meets each year to develop a Four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP includes federally funded transportation projects such as local roads and bridges, trunk highways, enhancements, rail projects and transit vehicles. Each year the ATP developed plans for the TIP. The TIP lays out the three-year plan for federally funded transportation projects, with emphasis being placed on the current year. TIP’s will be combined into a State TIP which will be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for approval and funding distribution.
Mn/DOT District 2 receives Federal dollars annually from the current transportation bill. This combined with the states district 2 annual allocation is the funding used to build projects in Mn/DOT District 2.
If you have any questions concerning this process, please contact the NWRDC.
Click here to see Northwest District ATP Members
Northwest Regional Transportation
Coordination Council (NWRTCC)
The Minnesota Departments of Transportation and Human Services, in collaboration with other state agencies through the Minnesota Council on Transportation Access (MCOTA), working with local governments and organizations have created Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils (RTCCs) as appropriate throughout Greater Minnesota.
The Northwest Regional Transportation Coordination Council serves Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, and Roseau counties in northwestern Minnesota. The NWRTCC is composed of members from various social services, transportation agencies, and human service organizations within the region.
The purpose of the Northwest RTCC is to identify transportation barriers and develop solutions. The goal is to increase coordination between transportation providers, service agents, and the private sector. These partnerships help to fill transportation gaps, improve access to transportation and provide individuals more options.
Visit the NWRTCC website
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
United States Department of Transportation
Transportation Plans
Safe Routes to School
Ada Borup Public School
Bike and Trails Plan
Regional Transportation Coordinating Council
RTCC Operational Plan
City of Fosston Transit Five-Year Transit System Plan