Consultant Services
North Central Regional Food Business Center (NCRFBC) a grant within the Northwest Regional Development Commission (NWRDC)
The NWRDC is seeking professional services related to the development of a regional work plan to strengthen local food systems in Northwest and West Central Minnesota. The service territory includes: The Consultant will work closely with the NWRDC Economic Development team to create a list of projects to advance local and regional markets.
Service territory includes Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Ottertail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin counties.
The NWRDC was established via state statute as a local unit of government in 1973. Area governments came together to establish the Northwest Regional Development Commission through the Regional Development Act of 1969. The NWRDC has exhibited extensive experience in working with underserved populations, government, and community partners to meet local voiced needs for over 50 years. The NWRDC commission membership comprises 26 elected officials from county, city, township, and school boards, as well as 4 public interest representatives from special interest groups such as: private industry, diverse communities, watershed boards and emerging leaders.
Aging Services
Community Development
Economic Development
Emergency Operations
Revolving Loan Fund
The NWRDC would like the Consultant to propose a scope of work for the project. At a minimum, the scope of the work would include creating a list of organizations and potential project partners that have an expertise in strengthening local food systems. In addition, create a working list of projects that would assist with advancing local food producers to local and regional markets.
The Consultant shall provide an estimated breakdown on labor hours to complete the project. Fee structures may be in any form, however, not to exceed $10,000.
Proposals are limited to 1 to 2 pages (printed single sided) including proposed work strategies to advance access for local food produces. Proposals must include:
Detailed scope of work that identifies the major tasks to be accomplished and how this will be achieved.
Proposed public engagement strategies within the local and regional markets.
Qualifications and experience of the personnel working on the project and the role each plays.
Related project experience with local ag and food value chains in the region.
All qualified proposals received by the deadline will be evaluated by the NWRDC Economic Development Leadership team.
The NWRDC reserves the right to reject all proposals not deemed to be in the best interest of the NWRDC. The factors on which proposals will be judged are:
Professional qualifications/experience of staff
Specialized experience
Public engagement strategy/strategies
The NWRDC Board of Directors will serve as the selection committee.
Proposal Deadline: July 27, 2023
Please send complete proposals to:
Attn: Darla Waldner
Executive Director
109 S. Minnesota St.
Warren, MN 56762